Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Oh Little Town of BethlahaaaAAAGGGHH!

I caught my crazy cat Tigger attacking the peaceful nativity scene under the Christmas tree. The poor baby Jesus didn't stand a chance against the monster cat paw :( Not only was there no room at the inn, but a giant black and white cat was lurking outside waiting to attack! 

To make matters worse, I found not one, but two tiny plastic reindeer near the litter box. I don't know how they got there, and it's probably best that way. *face palm*

"I can haz a Virgin Mary?"
- Jennie 


  1. AAAAARRRGGHHHH watch out for the cat! Too funny!

  2. Out for a hop, following you now! Come by Lucy's when you get a chance...http://closertolucy.blogspot.com
